Everyone gets into a relationship at some given point in time. We all wish to marry the people we fall in love with. But out of 10 percent, 2 percent get to marry at their first or second try at love. The other 8 percent get to fall in and out of love hopelessly for an extended period of time. Hope from one relationship to another. Praying so hard, God sees them through a more permanent relationship. Well, for a relationship to last, it depends on both parties.
Check also: 6 Reasons Why Love Has Taken A Rain Check In Relationships
Relationships are like levers; love/affection is the pivot, the two involved parties are the work and the load. At any given time the pivot should not favor only one side.The highest percentage of relationships today are short termed.
Consider these to maintain a long-lasting relationship
10). Love
This is the Centre of all relationships. It’s the pillar that supports most relationships. The pivot that balances the relationship. Without love, there cannot be a long-lasting relationship, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t manage a relationship with only mutual understanding and a contract of sorts. Many marriages are held together by a think line, basically child. Women will do anything to provide their children with basic needs, even when it means patching up pieces of a tattered marriage. Love is the seed and a relationship is the harvest. Unrequited love can only throw an affair down the drain. Love your spouse, love your boyfriend or girlfriend. With love you can withstand all barriers. If you have entered into a loveless relationship, you can learn to love. It can be hard at first, but maintaining a loveless relationship gets harder with time. Love gives you the strength to overcome all kinds of trials.
9). Trust
This is a value necessary with daily socialization . Relationships built on trust tend to last longer. Living without trust can be such a bummer, a life on your toes thinking at any moment someone is going to sell you out. Or your partner is just out for your money or he is cheating. Or he might just be after something else other than your love. Living without trust is a life of paranoia and insecurity. Relationships are a major victim of gossip. As much as we did like to believe we can bury words. It’s hard to deafen our ears to rumors of possible infidelity. Allegations that have not been verified can cause quite the rift between partners. But with trust, it’s hard for these buds to grow into poisonous flowers. Though trusting blindly can both be a gift and a curse. Learn to trust your partner if you wish for a peaceful and healthy relationship.
8). Loyalty
Loyalty is another pillar that upholds a relationship. All relationships end as a result of infidelity. This is a menace for all kinds of relationships. 90%of men cheat, with their male egos off their leash, they believe the world belongs to them and women are a prize that comes with it. Women are just a bonus that they could do without. If you need your relationship to take the longest road, you need to be loyal to your relationship and partner. If you have decided to define what you have, and you officially declare you dating official, then it’s time to say good-bye to flirting with other people. Jealousy is unruly. It’s always lurking by the wall, waiting for an opportunity to pounce in. Even when you have faith in your partner, that snitch is always at the corner planting seeds of doubt in your mind. But even with these seeds, when you know your partner is loyal to you, a few flirty women won’t make you forsake your relationship. It would take more than a few flirty texts to end your relationship
7). Friends
A friend in need is a friend indeed. We all need friends, the support of friends can be a helpful factor in maintaining a relationship. These are people we trust and we need to talk to. Relationships will never be perfect, just like humans will never be perfect. With every day that passes, temptations increase. Both men and women fall for these temptations. Misunderstandings and disagreements grace every relationship. How partners react to these impediments determines the stand of the relationships. This is when friends come in. At this moment, you seek for advice from your friends to help you out. Note that you can’t just talk to any friend about your issues. Look for the people you would truly trust with your life. Some friends are just here for a while not everyone wishes the best for you. Some friends are snakes waiting to bite. A good friend will wish for you and your relationship.
6). Privacy
As much as we need friends to help us assort certain issues in our lives, we also need to draw a line to their involvement. Sometimes friends give wrong advice, sometimes their involvement may just worsen the situation. You need to solve some disagreements yourself. Love is between two so are relationships. Not everyone can give you advice on live. Neighbours need to stay out of others personal lives, this will be close to impossible. Most of the times the rumors start with a nosey neighbours, bringing snippets of rumors to you. The moment decision-making is left to people outside the relationship, that will be the shortest relationship you will ever have.
5). Respect
Respect must as well be the back bone of relationships. The bible teaches us to respect, not only out elders but other people too. Relationships without respect are characterized with domestic violence and infidelity. We can’t let these two evils prosper. Learn to respect each other. Men love to be dominant with everything, it’s in their DNA, let’s say they suffer from superiority complex and male chauvinism. Though with a little patience we can have a peaceful relationship. Women have evil rights in a relationship. They deserve to have a part in decision-making. Respect can only yield fruits of a long-lasting relationship.
4). Keep the spark going
If you think you are now dating him, you shouldn’t care about your appearance. Woman you are wrong. Men get bored. Find a way to surprise your spouse or partner. Ladies keep the good looks. Yes settling can be peaceful and motherhood can be tiresome, quiet the exercise but husbands / boyfriends need you to look your best.This is for them, feed their eyes, blind them to the temptation in the world outside. Men love to look at attractive things. Men, once you win her, it’s not over. Take her to dates once in a while, if you have children, then go out on family dates. Women love to be pampered. Women treat everyday like the first date, how do you expect to keep a relationship a float when you dress up like a some village girl.
3). Good listeners
We all love to talk. There is always something on your mind. If you take as much time to listen as you do talking, you will realize that most of the problems are just made because of your failure to hear out our partner. Women love to talk, they fuss over everything. The young men call it tripping. Listening can help limit on the disagreements. When you listen, problems can be solved. Talk to each other and work things out. Women often give subtle hints about certain grievances that might be pressing to them. It would be good to listen and talk issues out. If you want your relationship to last, that’s the way to go.
2). Pride
Forget pride. I can’t stress it enough but once you are in a relationship, pride is the greatest enemy of human existence. forget about your pride. You are at opposite ends of the road and you need to meet each other half way. Pride is a beautiful value for one to possess, but it is a curse for relationships. At any one given time you are supposed to give in to the demands of one another. This is when the appeasement policy comes along. Men want to be pleased as much as women do. We all possess egos, some are stronger than others, but mutual understanding and agreements are needed.
1). Patience
A virtue that most people lack, but is essential in all relationships. Life can be quiet trying without patience. It is filled with stages, gradual as they come, filled with tests. It is the key to most doors, call it a master-key. A lot happens, frustration happens, rejection happens, flirting happens. All these are risks to a relationships existence. To people who have not seen enough of the world and still have enough vigor to move mountains, patience is a set back. Learn to be patient and don’t act in the heat of an argument, first shimmer down. You heard, he is cheating, sit down, process the information, balance the equation. If you trust him, this is the time to talk about it.
So many times we have met “ the one” and each time you got your heart-broken. You can decide to work it out, play your cards right and pray that the relationship vessel sails towards marriage. And if you are married, you can only hope for happily ever after. A relationship built on love gives you the strongest foundation you will ever need. Involve God in your relationship and he will help you through your weakest moments. Embrace a few virtues like patience, honest, loyalty among others.
These are pillars that will ensure a more permanent relationship.
Check also;
- 6 Reasons Why Love Has Taken A Rain Check In Relationships
- These Are The 43 Things Girls Wish From Their Boyfriends
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