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Uganda Baati And NFA Partner To Conserve Environment Through Planting Trees

Uganda Baati And NFA Partner To Conserve Environment Through Planting Trees

Uganda Baati Limited (UBL) and the National Forestry Authority held a meeting this week with a purpose of joining hands in restoring Uganda’s forest cover. This move is aimed at conserving the environment under UBL Corporate restoration program. Studies have shown that the population of Uganda grows at 1.5 million per year. This means that by 2025 the population will ...

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Use These Rains To Plant More Trees, Activists

Use These Rains To Plant More Trees, Activists

Activists have urged Ugandans to use the current rains to plant more trees. The CEO of Great Outdoors, Leonard Mutesasira said that as part of their efforts to replenish the environment, they are mobilizing the public to start planting trees in reasonable numbers. “The rains have started and this is the right time for tree planting to start. We call ...

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Over 400 Natural Trees Planted In Fort Portal City On International Earth Day

Over 400 Natural Trees Planted In Fort Portal City On International Earth Day

Friday saw 400 natural trees planted in Fort Portal Tourism City in commemoration of International Earth Day. The Ministry of Water and Environment oversaw the planting of the trees. The ministry however didn’t see this through alone. It had support from AFRIYEA, Tooro Botanical Gardens, Change Society Needs, Join for Water, Toro Club, and many other environmental-based organizations. International Earth ...

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Nigerian Engineer Builds House With 14,800 Sand-filled Plastic Bottles As Bricks

Nigerian Engineer Builds House With 14,800 Sand-filled Plastic Bottles As Bricks

Nigerian engineer Identified as Yahaya Ahmed has surprised residents in Kaduna after building his house using 14,800 sand-filled plastic bottles as bricks. According to Premium Times, Yahaya is a director of Development Association of Renewable Energies (DARE), a non-government organization in Nigeria. The Nigerian engineer said that the house was constructed by his organization to help create jobs, to support ...

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UK Government To Fund Training Of 1,800 Prosecutors To Combat Wildlife Crime

UK Government To Fund Training Of 1,800 Prosecutors To Combat Wildlife Crime

The UK government together with private donors has a released funding for the training of 1,800 prosecutors with the aim of combating wildlife crime. After training 1,800 prosecutors to combat wildlife crime, traffickers will need to re-think their actions. Probably change the way they put their food on the table and give up hunting wildlife. ‘’With funding provided by the ...

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