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The Vaccine Against Diabetes Has Been Officially Announced


In the United States alone, 1.25 million people suffer from type 1 diabetes. A vaccine used over 100 years ago for tuberculosis (bacillus Calmette-Guerin ) has shown promise in reversing this disease. This vaccine is now commonly used for treating bladder cancer and is considered to be safe. Check also: 5 Symptoms Of Diabetes You Should Not Ignore An announcement made ...

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Why Mulago could go without water for days

mulago to go days without water

Patients and their caretakers could go without water for days after the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) issued a one-week disconnection ultimatum over a Shs800m water debt owed by Mulago National Referral Hospital. Check also: Cancer patients in uganda to wait for 2 years Mulago Hospital management has now appealed to the government to intervene. Dr Byarugaba Baterana, the ...

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Uganda Declared Free From Yellow Fever

yellow fever

Kampala — The ministry of health has confirmed containment of yellow fever in the country following a successful vaccination campaign in the affected areas. Check also: Ugandan Government To Take 400 Cancer Patients To Kenya For Treatment While addressing journalists at the Uganda Media Centre on Tuesday, Professor Anthony Mbonye, the Acting Director of General Health Services said there was no ...

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Kalangala Island district out of Drugs

Fake cancer Drugs Hit Uganda Market

The absentism of drugs in Kalangala health centers has left leaders within the district to be sick worried about their ill patients within the Island district. Check also: Uganda To Set Up Mental Health Facility For Soldiers Leaders in the island district of Kalangala have asked the ministry of health to immediately investigate the motive of the National Drug Authority ...

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7 Foods Every Girl MUST Avoid During Her Period

a girl in her period, dad

It’s totally natural to crave for sugary treats when you’re on your period. But before you binge away, we want you to know that the food you eat does affect your body and your mood during this hormonal time. Check also: 8 Relationship Problems All Girls Face– Here’s The Solution Bloating, mood swings and painful cramps, are things no girl has ...

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