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Museveni’s Evolving Stance On Corruption: A Retrospective

Museveni's Evolving Stance On Corruption A Retrospective

Since 2014,  President Yoweri Museveni has made numerous statements on the issue of corruption within the country. A review of his key remarks over the years provides insight into his changing perspective and the government’s efforts to address this persistent challenge. In his 2019 New Year’s Message, Museveni expressed confidence in the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party’s ability to ...

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Temporary Suspension Of ‘Holy’ Water Collection At Namugongo

Temporary Suspension Of 'Holy' Water Collection At Namugongo

In recent news, it has been announced that the collection of holy water at Namugongo has been temporarily suspended. This decision comes amidst various considerations and circumstances that have led to the need for this action. Namugongo holds great significance as a place where the Uganda Martyrs, a group of individuals who sacrificed their lives for their faith, were martyred. ...

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Safeguarding The Sacred: Unveiling Vital Safety Measures For Pilgrims Embarking On Martyrs Day Journey

Unveiling Vital Safety Measures For Pilgrims Embarking On Martyrs Day Journey

As the anticipation builds and the global pilgrimage to the revered Basilica of the Uganda Martyrs in Namugongo draws near, the paramount importance of safety and security cannot be overstated. This annual gathering, a testament to the remarkable sacrifice of the Uganda Martyrs, stands as a pinnacle of devotion for Christians worldwide, beckoning vast crowds eager to partake in the ...

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Unveiling Dark Truth: Lt Gen Elwelu’s Sanctioned Role In The Kasese Killings

Lt Gen Elwelu's Sanctioned Role In The Kasese Killings

In a shocking turn of events, Lt Gen Elwelu, a high-ranking Ugandan military official, finds himself at the center of a storm of controversy surrounding the tragic Kasese killings. Recent sanctions have shed light on his alleged involvement in gross violations of human rights, painting a grim picture of extrajudicial killings committed by members of the UPDF under his command. ...

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Heartbreaking Incident Unveils Dark Side Of School Fees Pressure: Father Arrested For Burning Daughter’s Fingers

Father Arrested For Burning Daughter's Fingers Over School Fees

In a chilling turn of events, the commencement of the second term of the academic calendar has brought forth not only the anticipation of learning but also the burden of school fees for many parents. However, one father in Namayingo District has shocked the community by resorting to a horrifying act when confronted with his daughter’s plea for financial support. ...

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