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PAC Demands Transparency: Emyooga Funds Recipients List

PAC Demands Transparency Emyooga Funds Recipients List

In a bid to ensure transparency and accountability, the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee ( PAC ) has directed officials from the Microfinance Support Centre to compile a comprehensive list unveiling the recipients of Emyooga funds for the 2022/23 fiscal year. The PAC has further requested specific details on the loan amounts disbursed and recovered, following revelations by the Auditor General ...

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Navigating Impending Storm: The Peril Of High Taxes And Debt On East Africa’s Growth

The Peril Of High Taxes And Debt On East Africa's Growth

In the fast-paced landscape of East Africa’s economic growth, a storm is brewing. As the region braces itself for a projected increase in growth, concerns arise over the potential obstacles that could hinder progress. The African Development Bank forecasts a promising upturn, with growth expected to rise from 3.5 percent in 2023 to 5.1 percent in 2024 and a further ...

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BUSIA: 34-Year-Old Woman Remanded For Defiling P.7 Boy

BUSIA: 34-Year-Old Woman Remanded For Defiling P.7 Boy

A court in Busia has remanded a 34-year-old woman to Masafu Prisons in Busia District. This was after she was charged with defiling a 17-year-old Primary Seven Pupil in the eastern Uganda district. Caroline Muzaki, 34, also known as “Namugisu”, a resident of Bubolwa ‘B’ Village, Bulumbi Sub-county, Busia District was arrested after her 28-year-old husband, Egesa Kulambano pinned her ...

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Tycoon Hamis Kiggundu Furious With KCCA Workers For Destroying Palm Trees In The City

Tycoon Hamis Kiggundu Furious With KCCA Workers For Destroying Palm Trees In The City

City tycoon Hamis Kiggundu has come out to question the patriotism of Ugandans after a video of KCCA employees surfaced on social media destroying palm trees that were planted along the different Kampala streets. These were seen uprooting the trees and loading them onto a truck which later drove off. Hamis Kiggundu took to social media and wondered why they ...

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Revolutionizing the Budget: Remarkable Salary Rise For Soldiers And Police

Remarkable Salary Rise For Soldiers And Police

In a groundbreaking twist, the recent budget allocation has ushered in a wave of positive change for the dedicated men and women who serve in the armed forces and police.  Brace yourself for extraordinary news: Soldiers and police officers are set to experience a substantial salary rise, a move that promises to transform their lives and bolster their commitment to ...

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