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The Man Who Created HIV-AIDS VIRUS Finally Discovers Vaccine

robert gallo HIV-AIDS creator

Doctor Robert Gallo who created HIV-AIDS VIRUS way back in 1970s has finally discovered the vaccine he described as “Just another protein” he was the top doctor that led the creation of the virus 46 years ago, since then the deadly virus has killed tens of thousands of people especially on the African continent. Check also: Nigerian Profffessor claims to ...

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How Deep Breath Works for Diabetic People

deep breath

The Chinese doctor, Tom Wang of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) has introduced another way people with diabetes can be helpful to their health, explains how deep breath can help diabetic patients to recover within the shortest time , it is easy to do and effective for your health. Check also: The two types of diabetes This is how ...

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The Two Types Of Diabetes You Need To Know


Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism — the way our bodies use digested food for growth and energy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose, the form of sugar in the blood. Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body. Check also: 4 major causes of cancer When we eat, the pancreas automatically produces ...

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Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells


Marijuana is a cannabis, especially as smoked in cigarettes. And one smoking marijuana is seen as a person with no ambitions and useless because it is one of the standard factors that have degenerated the ethics of the young youth in the 21st century. Marijuana is important in this other way! But even though marijuana is seen as the major ...

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