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10 Questions you can ask during the job interview

job interview

The questions you ask in the interview process are just as important as the ones the recruiter asks you, they will determine your level of interest, be prepared to get the recruiter to what the goals of the company are and the types of people employed currently by the company, be interested but DON’T over do it, remember this is ...

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The coldest states and cities in the America.

coldest cities

Many places / cities experience extreme cold every year and many of these cities have had this problem ever since historically receiving more than four feet for example, marquette, Mich is one of the coldest states in the USA, in 2014 it got an average of more than 12 feet of snow. Fairbanks , Alaska is another cold place in ...

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This Is How Travelling By Air Will Be In 2030

travelling in 2030

Travelling by air in 2030: About the AWWA –QG super quite eagle aircraft which generates its own power and energizes a 314- ft wingspan.This aircraft will begin working in future and its expected to begin its operations in 2030, it will feature three decks, generate their own power and be 75 percent quieter than current aircraft, according to designs for ...

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