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Climate Change

Uganda To Host One Week Long Virtual Climate Change Week To Cut Costs

Uganda To Host One Week Long Virtual Climate Change Week To Cut Costs

Uganda will virtually host the 2021 Africa Climate Week from 27th to 29th September 2021, Minister of State for Environment, Beatrice Anywar has said. According to her the virtual event will be hosted with support from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under the theme: “Partnering for transformation towards a low-carbon climate resilient and prosperous Africa: managing risks, ...

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Climate Change: Earth’s Vital Signs Worsen As Humanity’s Impact Grows

Climate Change: Earth’s Vital Signs Worsen As Humanity’s Impact Grows

The global economy’s business-as-usual approach to climate change has seen earth’s ‘vital signs’ deteriorate to record levels. This is according to an influential group of scientists who made the remarks on Wednesday. They warned that several climate tipping points are now imminent. They are part of a group of more than 14,000 scientists who have signed on to an initiative ...

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Grey-Crowned Crested Cranes On Journey To Extinction Due To Environmental Degradation

Crested Cranes On Journey To Extinction Due To Environmental Degradation

The gray-rowned Crested Cranes (Balearic regulorum) are Uganda’s national symbol and heritage. The number of these amazingly peaceful creatures has continuously continued to reduce due to man’s continued degradation of the environment. The state minister for environment Beatrice Anywar the continued wetland destruction, its habitat, has enhanced the reduction. In 1996, the number of these crested cranes stood at 100,000. ...

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Madagascar Famine Is The First In Modern History To Be Solely Caused By Global Warming

Madagascar Famine Is The First In Modern History To Be Solely Caused By Global Warming

Madagascar is currently experiencing heatwaves, wildfires and floods. If there’s still any doubt that the summer of 2021 is a turning point for a global awakening over the looming climate crisis, you can add one more plague of biblical proportions to the list: famine. The southern part of the island nation of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa, is ...

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Climate Change: European Union Earmarks Shs12b To Save Part of Uganda’s Forest Cover

European Union Earmarks Shs12b To Save Part of Uganda's Forest Cover

The European Union (EU) has earmarked €2.9m (over Shs12.5 billion) to boost two disaster risk management projects in the refugee host districts of Isingiro, Kyegegwa, Kamwenge and Kikuube. The two projects are; strengthening resilience through enhanced local disaster risk management capacities. And strengthening emergency preparedness and inclusive natural resources management in refugee-hosting districts. The two European Union projects will be ...

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