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Why So Many Americans Dislike Immigration

immigration in US

Why do so many Americans oppose immigration, and why has it become a central issue in the presidential campaign? A growing body of research suggests that the answer isn’t economic anxiety, or concerns about public spending, or even general nationalism. It is more specific, and more disturbing. Check also: Here’s Obama’s Speech At The Democratic National Convention The question of what ...

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Bell To Supply Huey II Helicopters To Kenya And Uganda

Bell Helicopters

FORT WORTH, Texas – The U.S. Army has awarded Bell Helicopter foreign military sales contracts worth $86.9 million to supply Huey II helicopters to Kenya and Uganda. Check also: A Business Man Buys An Ethiopian Airlines Plane And turns It Into A Restaurant The company will receive $52.1 million for five Huey II helicopters and spare parts for Kenya and another ...

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Uganda Legislators Gets Millions Of Transport Refund

Uganda Ex MPS

Following Monday’s award of medals to members of the ninth and earlier parliaments, the medal recipients were yesterday paid Shs 581m in transport refund. Check also: Gabon’s opposition leader, Ping declared himself as the President of Gabon The medals alone cost Shs 600m, minus the venue, Serena Conference Centre, food, refreshments and entertainment, among other costs. The Observer has learnt that ...

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Here Are the Key Moments Of The US Presidential Debate

Presidential debate

Hillary Clinton dominated a final series of debate exchanges with Donald J. Trump about national security and gender, telling voters they could not trust her opponent with nuclear weapons and warning that he does not respect women. Check also: Uganda’s President, Yoweri Museveni Takes Part In Presidential Debate Here are a few debate highlights. ■ Asked about a remark he made ...

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7 African Countries Where People Are Most Afraid During Elections

elections in Africa

Threats, bribes and stuffed ballot boxes may sound like a political drama, but these are all real issues that Africans face during national elections, a public opinion study has revealed. Check also: “We Want Elections By The End Of 2016,” DRC Opposition Leader Etienne Tshisekedi Demands The results, published by pan-African research institute Afrobarometer paint a dire picture of trust in the democratic ...

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