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President Pierre Nkurunziza Returns Home


Home is the best,[3] east or west let it be rain or sunshine at home,  it will always be the best,  this is how Pierre Nkurunziza fulfilled the above words today after returning  to his domicile country after it had been under a military coup.[1] Check also: Burundi: Security Advisor To The Vice President Was Killed In An Attack The ...

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Burundi’s top army general annouces the overthrow of president Nkurunziza


Bujumbura: The Burundi’s state broadcaster was surrounded by the army were the crowds had gathered and that was after general Godefroid Niyonbare announced the over throw of president Pierre Nkurunziza on Wednesday.[9] Check also: Burundi: Security Advisor To The Vice President Was Killed In An Attack In february,[3] general Godefroid was fired from his position as Central African Nation’s powerful Chief ...

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Meet The 20 Year Old Scotland’s Youngest And Brilliant MP

Youngest MP

Wanders never end,[2] this is how we phrase the unbelievable things when they turn into believable in this rotating Earth, meet Mhairi Black who is 20 years old and becoming the youngest MP of Scotland since 1667 in a victory that represents the unexpected nationalist  landslide  in Scotland.[9] Check also: 22-Year-Old Was Appointed United Arab Emirates (UAE) Minister For Youth ...

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Christiano Ronaldo Donates 7 Million Euros To Help Nepal EarthQuake Victims

Christiano soccer

The Portuguese Real Madrid striker Christiano Ronaldo has shown his compassion once again by donating € 7 million which is equivalent to £5 million to help those who were affected by the disastrous earthquake in Nepal. Check also: Manchester united Table £35M bid for Sergio Ramos Real Madrid’s defender According to the french reports, the 30-year-old striker, Christiano used his ...

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