Ever asked yourself when you should consider taking a loan. Do you even ever think about asking yourself why should take a loan. The number one thing that retards development is loans. People can take loans for the most avoidable things in this world. Not just a loan by the way but a very huge amount of money just for ...
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“I Hear Some Weird Sounds”: Man Who Lives Next To Cemetery Shares What Happens During The Night
A man with TikTok name Mr Easytv who lives abroad has lamented his difficult situation after paying for a room, later he discovered that there is a cemetery next to the house. The man who looks very scared lives abroad, though he didn’t mention the country where he resides. He however claims in a video making rounds online that he ...
Read More »UCU Murdered Student’s Father Calls Upon Any Girl With His Pregnancy To Come Out
The family of the late student, Betungura Bewatte, stabbed at Makerere Guild campaigns a few days ago and the country at large is still in shock over his unfortunate and avoidable murder. His father is reportedly calling upon any girl that has his son’s pregnancy to come forward. NTV journalist, Sudhir Byaruhanga, revealed this. “The father of the UCU student ...
Read More »The Situation In Karamoja Is Deliberate – Hon Nkunyingi Muwadda
The MP for Kyadondo East, Hon. Muwadda Nkunyingi, has come out to claim that the hunger situation in the Karamoja subregion is being done deliberately by the government. Muwadda says that it seems the government wants the people there to die. He wondered why a government would mount roadblocks to people delivering relief to the area. It should be recalled ...
Read More »Terrence Howard Is Conniving With Museveni – Bobi Wine
Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine, The leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP) has said visiting American actor, Terrence Howard, is conniving with Museveni to keep people poor. He says at such a time when some local actors, writers, poets and creatives are in exile for siding with oppressed masses, Howard has chosen the dictators’ side which says a lot ...
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