For the first time in five months, people in Ethiopia are now able to access Facebook, Telegram, TikTok, and YouTube. The country imposed the blackout on February 9 this year following tensions between the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the government. However, individuals who had access to virtual private networks(VPN) were able to access the platforms during the blackout. This however ...
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Hoping To Boost Tourism, Iran Looks To Neighbours
Iran is seeking to boost tourism by turning its attention to neighboring countries, according to a recent report by France 24 news. The country, which has seen a decline in tourism due to political tensions and economic sanctions, is hoping to attract visitors from nearby nations such as Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Afghanistan. Iran is also looking to promote its cultural ...
Read More »United States Confronts Dual Challenges: Prolonged Heatwave And Flash Floods
The United States finds itself grappling with a twofold crisis as it contends with an intense heatwave sweeping across the West and South, while simultaneously combating the aftermath of deadly flash floods in the Northeast. These extreme weather events have brought about significant challenges and raised concerns nationwide. Heatwave Ravages the West and South: The Western and Southern regions of ...
Read More »Ukraine Receives Delivery Of Cluster Munitions, Pledges It’s Constrained Use
Ukraine has received a shipment of cluster munitions and has pledged to use them with restraint. The country stated that it will only use the weapons in line with international humanitarian law and will take all necessary precautions to minimize harm to civilians. However, cluster munitions are controversial weapons that release sub-munitions or bomblets over a wide area, posing a ...
Read More »Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Denies Plotting Coup To Stay In Power
Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro denied accusations yesterday that he is plotting a coup having lost the 2022 election to Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. However following amid persistent questioning of his commitment to democracy following demonstrations in support of authoritarian measures seen as anti-Congress and anti-Supreme Court. In an interview with Radio Bandeirantes, Bolsonaro criticized claims that he was ...
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