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A couple survives death while having sex at the back of their mini van

sex in van

Just days after the Germany couple were captured on camera happily having sex in a public square on Spain’s ‘Costa del Yorkshire.’ and when police interrupted the ambitious pair they told officers: ‘Go away and don’t bother us.’ The Video that was filmed by the amused holiday maker at around 6.30am on Thursday morning after the couple ignored pleas from ...

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A new born goat kid with six legs

goat kid

Indeed, this could be surprising but it’s true. I wonder if this is among the signs that the holy books prophesy about. That the signs define the proximity of the Judgment day. Look at the above goat kid. Check also: Police closes a hotel in Swansea were deviants have sex with animals This amazing scenery birth of a kid occurred ...

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Two Television Journalists Killed In Fatal Shooting During An On-Air live Broadcast


The two television journalists, Adam Ward 27 years and Alison Parker 24 years who were working for the television station known as WDBJ7 in Roanoke, Virginia were the two unlucky journalists that died in their fateful fatal shooting on Wednesday morning while carrying out a live interview in Bedford County Virginia. Check also: Two Shot Dead In Texas Shooting The ...

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North Korea Kim Jong Un ordered his troops to enter a wartime state and be fully ready for any military operations

North Korea warr

Since Thursday’s incident, there has been a lot of worry in Seoul resulting from South Korea’s broadcasting anti Pyongyang messages from loud speakers at the border which North Korea says should be stopped with immediate effect, if not it will respond with military action. Check also: Tension increased as N. Korea and South Korea exchange military fire South Korean living ...

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