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North Korea Kim Jong Un ordered his troops to enter a wartime state and be fully ready for any military operations

North Korea warr

Since Thursday’s incident, there has been a lot of worry in Seoul resulting from South Korea’s broadcasting anti Pyongyang messages from loud speakers at the border which North Korea says should be stopped with immediate effect, if not it will respond with military action. Check also: Tension increased as N. Korea and South Korea exchange military fire South Korean living ...

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Tension increased as North Korea and South Korea exchange military fire

South Korea

The reports say that Shots were fired by South Korea pointing towards the western part of North Korea on Thursday after North came across the border to protest against anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts by Seoul. Check also: North korea’s vice president has reported been executed The South Korean defence ministry said their people living in that targeted area were told to ...

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The earlier decision to release Oscar Pistorious has been suspended


The Justice minister of South Africa Masutha Micheal considered a petition to stop Oscar Pistorious’s release from prison on Wednesday, therefore, he has ordered a parole review board to decide if to allow the Paralympian to spend all his five year sentence under house arrest. Check also: Nigerian man sentenced to life prison for drug trafficking in Indonesia South Africa ...

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11 year old rape victim gives birth in Paraguay


The 11-year-old girl was raped by her step father last year when she was still 10 years old, and many Paraguayans were shocked when the case came to the lime light in May. Paraguay being a drowned country in their Catholic religion, the health officials denied the girl abortion as some people had requested and they claimed that an abortion ...

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