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Love & Sex

Chris Johnz’s Wife Threatened Catherine Kusasira To Distance Herself Away From Her Man

Chris Johnz’s Wife Threatened Catherine Kusasira

Celebrated singer, Chris Johnz Buwembo’s wife, Sandra passed a very strong warning to band musician Catherine Kusasira and all women human nature species to extend further from her beloved husband. Check also: I Don’t Regret Cheating On Zari-Diamond Platnumz City slay queens have always been rumored for tightly being too close to Sandra’s husband Buwembo, which disorganized her minds, thus causing ...

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This Is What Always Happens When You Spend 5 Years Without Having Sex

without sex

In these Bachelorette-obsessed times, it’s easy to assume that everyone who isn’t already in a happily committed relationship is either desperate to find love, or they’re players ( having sex with other secret partners ). One blogger decided to choose a different path, celibacy, and she makes it sound like a pretty good ( if difficult ) option. Check also: Sex Robots To Hit ...

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Men Live Longer If They Marry This Type of Woman

men and woman

According to a 1997 poll from The Journal of Personality, the top 3 desirable traits are reliability,[9] warmth and fairness. What do men look for in a potential partner? Check also: 10 Problems Even The Happiest Couples Always Face Guys, those are all fantastic, important traits,[7] but we might want to re-jig that priority list a little more in light ...

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