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Mubarak Munyagwa Bitter With Two-Faced Musicians

Hon Mubarak Munyagwa Bitter With Two-Faced Musicians

Former Member of Parliament Hon Mubarak Munyagwa is very bitter with musicians who are two-faced. He said an artist needs to have a belonging especially when it comes to political parties. They don’t need to be everywhere despite the money they want.

In Uganda, there has been politics in the music industry. There are musicians who have joined politics directly like joining parliament and even contesting on bigger positions like presidential seats.

But there are some artists who say they are in politics but they are everywhere. When they are in opposition, they speak badly about the ruling party and vice versa.

According to Hon Munyagwa, artists have a right to join politics and any political party of their choice. Some of them are confused and they end up also confusing their fans and people who love them. They keep jumping from one political party to another.

“I don’t know what goes on in the Ugandan music industry but it is not that fan. I don’t understand why they can’t stick to one party when it comes to politics. Some of them are everywhere. Today they are in opposition and others days in the ruling party. I think artists need to have where they belong not everywhere because it is annoying,” he said.

It should be noted that some artists are not political at all, they perform anywhere they are called to perform. meanwhile, there are those hiding behind music yet are openly taking sides and claiming otherwise.

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About Ahimbisibwe Monica


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