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I Only Have Two Exes! Sheilah Gashumba Clears Air About People She Dated

Socialite and media personality Sheilah Gashumba has cleared the air about the number of boyfriends she has dated in her life. She said she only has two exes, she doesn’t know about the others who claim to have dated her.

Sheilah is always trending in the media for so many reasons. Among those are her dating life and the men who claim to have been in a relationship with her at one point.

Some of the men who are claimed to be Sheilah’s exes include Grenade Official, Fik Fameica, and now Fik Gaza.

According to the media personality, she only knows that she has had only two boyfriends. One of them is her ex God’s Plan whom she was dating for over three years.

She also counts singer Rickman Manrick as her boyfriend because they were together for more than two years.

Sheilah said others who think they were her boyfriend should know how to differentiate between a relationship and a fling.

“I only have two exes other people who think they have dated me should differentiate between a relationship and a fling. Not everyone I sleep with is my boyfriend,” she said.

She even added that she has changed her life she is not going to sleep with a man ever again unless they ask her to be their girlfriend. The man is also supposed to be earning ten times more than she earns.

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About Ahimbisibwe Monica


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