Struggling band musician Maureen Nantume a few hours ago came out and declared that she’s no longer part of Golden Band. She has been working together with fellow teammates including Mesach Semakula, Grace Sekamatte, Catherine Kusasira and many others.
Check also: Maureen Nantume Left Fans Yearning For More At BBS TV’s Concert
However, while appearing on Spark TV, the “Ndimuzaade” Hit maker clearly in her words confirmed that she’s very tired, fed up and no-longer part of Golden Band. She branded herself an independent or solo artiste.
Don’t forget that some months ago, Ronald Mayinja also left the Band, Hajjat Stecia Mayanja in September 2018 and other few also left.
“There’s a time when a person is officially tired. But to be clear, I am nolonger part of Golden Band, if you want to book me, contact me directly”- Maureen confirmed.
After the original Eagles Production splitting in 2014, a revolution of Golden Band Production erupted and included artistes like Mesach Semakula, Ronald Mayinja, Stecia Mayanja, Grace Sekamatte and more.
Unlike Geoffrey Lutaaya and his wife, they started theirs known as Da New Eagles, which is still in existence.
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