The results of these investigations revealed that some big water consumers have been tampering with the meters to suppress consumption.
According to officials, the development under careful review involves big water consumers including top government agencies. Focus has been directed towards those in Kampala that use underhand tricks like magnates to reverse actual meter readings.
“For every 100 units of water we put in the system in Kampala, only 60 percent is returned for billing, meaning 40 is lost in the system,” NWSC Managing Director Dr. Silver Mugisha said at the weekend.
The investigation into these random accounts happened after an inquiry by the police. It discovered that seven random accounts suppressed meter readings.
The corporation, therefore, blamed the billing employees for trying to reverse the fraud using unconventional methods. They will therefore face disciplinary proceedings.
However, National Water & Sewage Corporation saw no conspiracy among the staff to defraud or engage in deliberate office abuse. Dr. Mugisha though, said the problem is a double-edged sword for the affected staff.
He said regardless of their actions to right the wrongs, they had used unconventional methods which is unacceptable. Since the development, the utility body has apparently ordered ultrasonic meters to clamp down the tampering.
“We have also ordered for real-time automatic reading devices to put on meters to give us information in real-time. If you try to tamper with it, we will know,” Dr. Mugisha said.
NWSC officials indicate that there’s no reason why consumers should steal water reasoning that the water is affordable. Apparently, a 20ltr jerrycan of water costs shs100 for commercial consumers and shs84 for the same charged to institutions.
Additionally, domestic users are charged UGX.83, while water users at public standpipes are charged UGX.25 — all per 20-litre jerrycan.
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