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Tag Archives: coronavirus pandemic

EU’ Rights Agency Report Shows Increase Of Racism And Child Abuse Fuelled By The Pandemic

EU' Rights Agency Report Shows Increase Of Racism And Child Abuse Fuelled By The Pande

The European Union Rights Agency has produced its annual report showing an increase in racism and child abuse. This according to them, has been fuelled by the coronavirus pandemic. “The pandemic and the reactions it triggered exacerbated existing challenges and inequalities in all areas of life, especially affecting vulnerable groups,” a report by the Vienna-based Fundamental Rights Agency,(FRA), said. The ...

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Number Of Chinese Newborns Registered Drops By 15%

Number Of Chinese Newborns Registered Drops By 15%

Amidst all population drop fears in China, the number of newborns drastically fell by almost 15% in 2020. This came during a time of widespread concern over failing birthrates in the world’s most populous country. Figures released by the Ministry of Public Security this week shows 10.03 million new babies were born in 2020. However, the year before that, a ...

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KK Travelers Donates Mattresses To Government

KK Travelers Donates Mattresses To Government

In a drive to help government realize it’s objective to curb Corona virus pandemic, KK Travelers has donated medical mattresses worth $16,500 to be distributed to national referral hospitals in 7 districts of West Nile region. Handing over the items to the office of the prime minister, KK Travelers marketing head Idro Ashad Taban said the donation will help boost ...

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