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So how do you know you’re doing the right thing? How do you know whether to fight for your marriage or just cut your losses? Well, we’re here to help. Here are a few signs that may indicate it’s time to call it quits.
1). You’d rather be alone
When you think about the possibility of being single again, you get downright giddy. In fact, you’re already picking outfits for future dates with your crush. If the thought of divorce gives you the giggles, you may want to turn that thought into action.
2). Your spouse’s touch makes your skin crawl
His or her touch gives you goose bumps — but not in a good way. In fact, it feels like a thousand ants on your skin. This is bad, real bad. In a loving, healthy relationship, you should be longing for caressing, cuddling, kissing, and all the wonderful things that come with being with someone you love. If this is not the case, you need to get to the bottom of why you are suddenly repulsed. This alone may not be reason enough to get divorced, but it does signal some serious trouble in paradise.
3). You cheated — several times
If you or your spouse is getting some action on the side, it’s is a clear sign that you have some serious issues. Once you’ve gone this far, your best bet is to take the next steps and file for divorce. You may also want to get checked for STDs while you’re at it.
4). You don’t see a future with your spouse
In the next five years, you imagine a wonderful future full of success. You get to where you want to be in your career, you finally get up the nerve to move to a new city, and you are truly happy. However, your dreams don’t include your significant other. If you can’t see how your spouse fits into your life, do yourself a favor and find someone who does.
5). You just don’t care anymore
Your spouse did something that would normally make your blood boil, but now it doesn’t faze you. At this point in your relationship, you’ve checked out emotionally. If there is just no desire to work on your marriage, you’re pretty much done. It takes two people to make a marriage work. Either seek counseling to see how you can make some needed changes or prepare to jump ship.
Source: cheat sheet
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