In a recent gathering in Masaka, tensions erupted as members of the Kirimya Kimaanya-Kabonera SACCO confronted their leadership regarding suspicions of fraud and mishandling of Parish development model funds.
The meeting, overseen by Deputy Resident City Commissioner (RCC) Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, turned into a heated exchange of accusations with SACCO members pointing fingers at the management for misconduct in fund distribution intended for local development projects.
Fred Bogere Mutesasira, a disillusioned beneficiary, shared his distressing experience, revealing how he was promised shs1 million to grow his business but only received shs500,000.
Bogere further disclosed the pressure he faced to sign a receipt for the full amount, plunging him into unexpected debts due to the shortfall in funds.
Haulat Nakachwa echoed Bogere’s grievances, shedding light on similar deceptive practices within the SACCO. She disclosed being coerced into accepting partial amounts despite being initially informed of a larger sum.
The narrative of receiving less than what was promised resonated among members, showcasing a pattern of deception and manipulation by the Kirimya Kimaanya-Kabonera SACCO leaders.
A closer look at allegations within the SACCO
Accusations of favoritism and political influence further tainted the SACCO’s reputation, with members alleging the preferential treatment of certain individuals who received the full shs1 million each.
The disclosure of family units benefiting significantly beyond the scheme’s guidelines added fuel to the growing discontent among the members.
The situation escalated when bribery allegations surfaced, implicating SACCO leaders in demanding illicit payments for inclusion in the fund beneficiaries’ list. Members, including Geraldine Namatovu, shared instances of being extorted for bribes, highlighting the corrupt practices within the organization.
SACCO’s accountability challenges & funding disputes
During the tumultuous meeting, RCC Kateregga held sacco treasurer Wilson Kawalya accountable, prompting a defense that some members were deemed ineligible for the full amount due to inadequate project preparations.
The revelation of discrepancies in project implementation further deepened the controversy, casting shadows on the transparency of fund allocation processes.
As tensions mounted, Shirah Mary Akello, the program focal-person for the PDM program in Masaka city, proposed a phased utilization of funds starting with the allocated shs500,000 before requesting additional support.
However, members, led by Fred Bogere Mutesasira, staunchly opposed the repayment plan, insisting on receiving the full promised amount before any reimbursements.
RCC Kateregga assured the disgruntled members of a thorough investigation into their grievances, urging transparency and accountability within the SACCO leadership.
Promising a fair inquiry, he invited further complaints to his office, vowing to hold the responsible parties answerable for their actions.
Check also;
- President Museveni Takes Bold Steps To Combat Fraud In Public Institution
- Bank Of Uganda To Investigate Fraud Allegations In Banks
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