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Author Archives: Suubi Anne

Speakership Is Not Like Cattle Herding Business, Kadaga To CEC

Rebecca Kadaga Facing Possible Expulsion From NRM

Hon. Rebecca Kadaga has told CEC that speakership is not like cattle herding. According to her CEC has no right to refuse her or anyone from standing for this position. “I said that it will be undemocratic for the Central Executive Committee to sit five years early and say that in five years’ time, so and so will be our ...

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Experts Say Government Likely To Collect Shs700 Billion From Rental Tax

Rental Tax, Experts Say Government Likely To Collect shs700 billion

Experts have said the government can collect shs713 billion worth of the rental tax. Recently, parliament amended the Income Tax Amendment Bill to introduce a levy obliging owners of rental premises to pay 25 per cent of their rental income as tax to government. For this reason, the ministry of finance contracted RippleNami, an American technology company to develop the ...

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Swearing In Ceremony To End Today, Ssegirinya Expected To Take Oath

Swearing In Ceremony To End Today, Segirinya Expected To Take Oath

Swearing in Ceremony for members of parliament is to end today according to the program. It has been running since Monday til today. The highlight of today though is Mp elect Mohammad Ssegirinya taking oath. Most of the people are so excited about him after all the issues that have been around him. Commonly known as Mr. Updates, he flew ...

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Brutality; Police Beats Up 50-Year-Old Journalist In Jinja

Brutality; Police Beats Up 50-Year-Old Journalist In Jinja

A 50-year-old journalist is in hospital nursing wounds after police allegedly beat him up. Musa Kamoi, a Jinja-based journalist of NBS and Smart FM tasted police brutality when he treaded into unsafe waters. Apparently, he was asking the police some questions to do with a case that happened there. The story was on cattle theft in the district which allegedly ...

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Musician Geoffrey Lutaaya Takes Oath As Member Of Parliament

Musician Geoffrey Lutaaya Takes Oath To Parliament

Popular Musician, Geoffrey has taken oath to parliament after swearing in today. Geoffrey Lutaaya who was escorted by his gorgeous wife looked really flamboyant. The two moved hand in hand in matching clothes. They rocked grey with some red on them since Geofrey is an NUP member. Their joy could be read through the smiles on their faces. Mr. Geoffrey ...

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