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To Live Forever May Be Possible Very Soon

Live, by Ray Kurzweil

When rock band Queen asked us “Who wants to live forever?” back in 1986, we interpreted it as standard lyrical rhetoric. But now, three decades and what feels like light years in technological, medical, and scientific advances later, the answer to that age-old question may have changed. And according to Ray Kurzweil, the famous American inventor who has been described ...

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An Interview with Dr Gallo About The Cause Of AIDS

Dr.Gallo about AIDS

An interview about AIDS virus with Dr. Robert C. Gallo, MD, Director of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Scientific Director of the Global Virus Network. Check also: Did Dr.Robert Gallo Create HIV/VIRUS? Before AIDS you were researching the first known human retroviruses, and the only known virus to cause leukemia. Did ...

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Did Dr.Robert Gallo Create HIV/AIDS?

Dr.Robert Gallo

Many sites recently reposted a text titled “The Man Who Created AIDS: Dr.Robert Gallo .” The text went super-viral especially on social networks, I think they did not get enough information about Dr Gallo and his research in HIV, says Micheal Thomas. Check also: North Korea claims to have developed drug that cures Ebola Cancer MERS and AIDS Let me explain what ...

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