Haven’t you ever come across someone who smelled so good all the time that you wondered what their secret was?! Who wouldn’t want to smell like they bathe with flower petals every single time? Of course, showering often is a no-brainer, but there are some hacks that these impeccably smelling people have certainly mastered. We reveal a few things that ...
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Nigeria Is Now World’s Largest Producer of Cassava
Nigeria has become the largest producer of cassava in the world with an annual output of 45 million metric tons. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Audu Ogbeh, has said. Check also:Nigeria To cut 24,000 Ghost Workers From The National Payroll, Saving $11.5 Million A Month Ogbe who was represented by the Minister of State of Agriculture and ...
Read More »East African Governments In Plans To Stop Importing Used-Clothes
NAIROBI – Gigomba market, just north of Nairobi’s downtown, is a place to buy just about anything. At its entrance, where ragged minibuses push their way through rutted red mud, stalls sell piles of pillows, plastic toys, cutlery and soap. But the most common wares are second-hand clothing. Piles of old T-shirts and jeans; winter jackets, incongruous in the equatorial ...
Read More »5 Bad Morning Habits And How To Fix Them
There’s a whole turn of bad habits people do first thing in the morning. Some of them may seem innocent enough (i.e. slamming your hand on the snooze button and sleeping in a few extra minutes every weekday, they can lead to negative health implications that can sabotage your life. Check also: 5 things you need every morning in order ...
Read More »Most Powerful Passports In The World
Someone might reasonably and understandably think that all passports are made equal, which is to say that a passport from most any country will provide a consistent level of travel access across all corners of the globe. Check also: 47 none African countries you can travel to from Uganda without visas The laws governing international travel, however, are much more nuanced than you might ...
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