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Climate Change

Africa Climate Summit Calls For Increased Investment In The Continent

Africa Climate Summit Calls For Increased Investment In The Continent

The Africa Climate Summit, organized to address the pressing environmental challenges facing the African continent, is set to emphasize the crucial need for increased investment in African countries. The summit will provide a platform for African leaders, policymakers, and international stakeholders to discuss and strategize ways to mitigate climate change effects across Africa. Recognizing the urgent action required, the summit ...

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The Environmental Impact Of Plastic Straws: Why Paper Is The Solution

The Environmental Impact Of Plastic Straws Why Paper Is The Solution

Plastic pollution has become a global concern, and single-use plastic straws have come under scrutiny for their significant environmental impact. In response, biodegradable straws have emerged as a sustainable alternative that offers numerous benefits. Unlike their plastic counterparts, they are designed to break down naturally and return to the environment within a few months, significantly reducing waste and preventing long-term ...

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Climate Change A Threat To Urban Development In Uganda

Climate Change A Threat To Urban Development In Uganda

Uganda is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change and variability in Africa. Its economy and the wellbeing of its people are tightly bound to the climate.  In the coming century, Climate change has the potential to halt or reverse the country’s development trajectory. One of the areas that is most affected is urban development. Uganda has experienced ...

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Uganda Baati And NFA Partner To Conserve Environment Through Planting Trees

Uganda Baati And NFA Partner To Conserve Environment Through Planting Trees

Uganda Baati Limited (UBL) and the National Forestry Authority held a meeting this week with a purpose of joining hands in restoring Uganda’s forest cover. This move is aimed at conserving the environment under UBL Corporate restoration program. Studies have shown that the population of Uganda grows at 1.5 million per year. This means that by 2025 the population will ...

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Nigerian Engineer Builds House With 14,800 Sand-filled Plastic Bottles As Bricks

Nigerian Engineer Builds House With 14,800 Sand-filled Plastic Bottles As Bricks

Nigerian engineer Identified as Yahaya Ahmed has surprised residents in Kaduna after building his house using 14,800 sand-filled plastic bottles as bricks. According to Premium Times, Yahaya is a director of Development Association of Renewable Energies (DARE), a non-government organization in Nigeria. The Nigerian engineer said that the house was constructed by his organization to help create jobs, to support ...

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