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Do These 5 Things Everyday If You Want To Be More Successful

successful richest man

The more credible you are, the more successful and persuasive you’ll be. Try these five methods – they work. In life, when you’re credible, the world and its riches are there for the taking. In fact, your only limitation is what your imagination can dream up. But take away your credibility – and you become a captive that’s trapped. Check also: 12 things successful People ...

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No money for LC1 elections in 2016. Kiggundu claims

Kiggundu rejected

The Electoral Commission (EC) has stopped the process of organising Uganda’s Local Council (LC1) and 2 elections until they get full funding. check also: Children Sacrificed To Bring Luck In Elections The chairman of the commission Badru Kiggundu while meeting members on Parliament’s Legal Committee today, said that the commission has decided to halt the exercise due to lack of funds. Kiggundu ...

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8 Mistakes Managers Always Make, According to Their Employee’s Perspective

company employees

Last year, I conducted an independent workplace survey on LinkedIn and received hundreds of responses to the question: “What is the ONE mistake leaders make more frequently than others?” It obviously struck a chord, as the sentiments of employees across the globe came streaming in, many of them feeling distressed and disengaged. Check also:  The Youngest Billionaire In Africa, Mohammed Dewji To Create 100,000 Jobs In Tanzania ...

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Mogadishu: How Al-Qaida Leader In East African Was killed

Mogadishu killed Al-Qaida Leader

Mogadishu. Under pressure from NATO forces in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda elements had taken advantage of the chaos in Somalia to set up havens and form new alliances. Check Also: Nasser al- Wuhaishi Yemeni al-Qaeda leader confirmed dead in US strike The situational analysis of their presence in the Horn of Africa was alarming. It was understood that the wastelands of Somalia’s lawless ...

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