In a devastating turn of events, the peaceful town of Mityana is reeling from the tragic killing of 14-year-old Nathan Kakooza, a bright Senior One student at Mityana Town Secondary School. The young boy met his untimely demise at his brother’s shop located in the serene Busimbi Gombolola area of Mityana Municipality.
The atmosphere of shock and grief thickened as details of the heinous crime emerged. Nathan was mercilessly attacked and murdered on a fateful Tuesday night when unidentified assailants broke into the shop by digging a hole through the wall.
The shop owner, David Ssekyanzi, shared that the perpetrators not only took the life of the promising young student but also callously stole two sacks of rice and sugar during the break-in.
David Ssekyanzi, with a heavy heart, recounted the heartbreaking moment when he received the devastating news of Nathan’s death.
Nathan, who had been assisting at the shop after school, was not just a young helper but a beloved family member whose education Ssekyanzi was supporting. The repeated attacks on the shop in the past six months have left the shop owner and the community shaken, with no suspects brought to justice.
Calls for urgent action and enhanced security
Amidst the sorrow and shock, the community leaders and authorities are rallying for immediate action and heightened security measures. The deployment of a police sniffer dog to the scene has not yet yielded substantial leads, underscoring the urgency of the situation.
Wamala Region Police spokesperson Racheal Kawala confirmed the ongoing investigations, while local leaders like Fred Wotonava, the Mayor of Mityana Central Division, emphasized the critical need for bolstered security, especially with the festive season approaching.
As the investigation unfolds, the community mourns the loss of a promising young life and demands swift justice for the 14 year old boy.
The call for authorities to apprehend the culprits and restore a sense of safety and security in the area resonates strongly, underscoring the collective resolve to prevent such tragedies and uphold peace in Mityana.
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