BUSIA- Two mothers were seen in grief on Tuesday after reportedly losing their babies at Buteba Health Centre in Busia due to alleged unavailability of midwives at that health facility.
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Both mothers had given birth to baby twins with the assistance of a 70-year-old traditional birth attendant by the names of Mrs Akatekit Theresa.
Unfortunately, 3 babies died afterwards which caused the patients and area residents to uproar. The residents however told reporters that the doctors at that health facility normally allocate Mrs Theresa especially on weekends to help them with delivery of mothers at the health facility during the absence of midwives.
The traditional birth attendant confirmed that she’s always left at the health facility to help deliver different mothers whenever midwives are unavailable, she also added that she’s not being paid to do the job, just volunteering.
One of the women identified as Ms Nambuya Sarah who lost her twin babies said when she arrived at the health facility at around 11pm Monday night, there wasn’t any health worker to attend to her, she instead found Ms Theresa, the ( TBA ).
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