Home » Entertainment » Moving With Bodyguards Doesn’t Mean You’re A Star – Eddy Kenzo
Eddy Kenzo Apologizes On Behalf Of Pallaso

Moving With Bodyguards Doesn’t Mean You’re A Star – Eddy Kenzo

Multiple award winner and President of Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF) Eddy Kenzo has revealed that not every artiste who moves with bodyguards is a star.

He said that anyone with money can get bodyguards but not everyone is actually a celebrity.

Kenzo made statements following the upcoming artists who are constantly moving with a number of boys with big bodies saying they are bodyguards. Fans are always wondering if these upcoming artistes are threatened by the public.

This is because they are not yet stars but behave like they are. According to Eddy Kenzo, there is so much showbiz in the music industry and artists do whatever they can to keep trending and keep their name everywhere in the media.

He said Ugandans don’t need to get intimidated by the bodyguards that musicians move with. They are mostly for showbiz and not about someone being a star in just months or even weeks.

The singer also advised the upcoming artists to focus on building their brands and being the best musicians. They should not just move with bodyguards who add nothing to their careers.

“Moving with bodyguards doesn’t mean that someone is a star. I have seen these young upcoming artists move with many bodyguards and now people are calling them stars. The upcoming artists need to focus on their careers rather than on bodyguards,” he said.

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About Ahimbisibwe Monica


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