This afternoon president Museveni met with leaders of Madi sub-region in Adjumani District as he continue with the wealth creation sensitization campaign. The Madi sub-region comprises Adjumani and Moyo districts.
He listened to the leaders’ concerns over the Apaa issue. He pointed out that the NRM has brought “ebwe” or “peace” but this peace can be lost when we turn to sectarianism. It is not right to divide our people on tribal lines.
There are no Acholi or Madi diseases. Our people have common problems and leadership therefore must be about solving these problems. It is what the NRM does. Those preaching hate and sectarianism over Apaa, especially on the radios, must stop,’he said.
He thanked the people of West Nile for always supporting peace. Even at the height of the LRA conflict, they supported the peace efforts.
It is this peace which has enabled us have “Vwoozo” (development). Adjumani and Moyo are now connected to the national electricity grid. I know it’s still weak current, just 33KV, but as we finish Karuma, it will get stronger,’Museveni said.
Still about development is the road from Atiak-Adjumani-Metu-Moyo then to Yumbe and Koboko. The government will build this road. When we fixed the Gulu to Atiak then to Bibia road, we were like a person who had put food in the mouth, his stomach is assured of being fed,’he said.
Museveni says NRM is still doing more
Atiak road is like the mouth, Adjumani and Moyo are the stomach. The food (road) will inevitably get to the stomach, it should not complain. They are looking for a contractor for the road. For the bridge across the Nile linking the two districts, it will wait for a while.
The NRM cannot be doubted on the development front. Our focus is now on kicking out household poverty (taako). We must create “Iloonyi” (wealth). This brings me to the four-acre model and commercial agriculture,’Museveni said.
My guidance on the four-acre model is that one acre is for a high value cash crop like coffee, one for fruits, another for food crops and the fourth for pastures. In the backyard you keep a dairy animal, do poultry or piggery,’he said.
He thanked Adjumani District for offering me 20 acres to set up a state lodge. He said he will also set up a demonstration farm to show you how to go about what I am preaching.
For those with less than four acres, do poultry, pigs, grow onions and mushrooms. If you have six acres and above, you can do the activities of the four acres then add on crops like cotton. Cotton can bring money but when done on a big scale.
You, the leaders are now my priests. I request that you help me preach this gospel to our people. This meeting is an ordination exercise and you can now go forth and liberate our people from poverty.
Finally, do not disable the land. In Arua, people cannot produce food, they buy it from Congo. Same with Kabale, all because of land fragmentation. Let families collectively own land and only share proceeds,’he added.
Check also;
- Museveni Meets Leaders Of Bunyoro Sub-Region Under His Current Wealth Creation Drive
- Museveni Commissions Rehabilitated Roads In Arua, Continues With His Wealth Creation Campaign
- For Wealth Vote NRM Museveni tells Kaboong District
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