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Many people assume that cheaters look for a bit on the side because they are bored with their stale relationship, but that may not be the case for most cheaters.
In fact, it turns out that boredom with the relationship isn’t even one of the top three reasons why cheaters look for someone else to get intimate with.
According to Superdrug’s Online Doctor, the most common reason why men are unfaithful is simple: The other person was just really hot.
According to a shocking survey of 2,000 adulterers, European men stray because they can’t resist the temptation of the other person.
However, the second most common justification for cheating was more emotional, with many men saying they decided to be unfaithful because the other person was really there for them.
This is similar to the main justification given by European women, whose top reason for straying was that their partner wasn’t paying them enough attention.
Among male love rats, sex proved to be an issue as well, with the third most common reason for cheating being that their partner isn’t giving them enough.
With boredom the fourth justification, the fifth was that their partner stopped paying attention to them.
Source: Nypost
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