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Tag Archives: Ugandan Music Industry

I Am The Most Bullied Artiste By Fans Of Other Musicians – Jackie Chandiru

Singer Jackie Chandiru Clashes With Local Entertainment News Website

Struggling artist Jackie Chandiru has revealed she is the most bullied artiste in Uganda by fans of other musicians. With social media, many people have become victims of cyberbullying. Celebrities have suffered more from bullies because fans tend to say anything to them anytime they post. For Jackie Chandiru, she has been through a lot as a person but mostly ...

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Mowzey Radio Is Missed In The Music Industry – Douglas Lwanga

Douglas Lwanga - Mowzey Radio Is Missed In The Music Industry

Media personality and CEO of Purple Party, Douglas Lwanga has come out to say the late Mowzey Radio is still missed in Uganda’s music industry. Radio accidentally died in 2018 from an injury inflicted on him by a bouncer. Ever since his death, the music industry has had a huge gap. He used to be a songwriter at the same ...

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