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4 Major Causes Of Cancer

Cancer is a complex group of diseases with many possible causes.[7]Today this deadly disease is very demotic all over the world and its rapidly spreading through the people in the world. There are several types of cancer which may include; skin cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer and the list continues.[1]

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According to the American Cancer Society, the causes are so many which may include the following:

1]- Life style factors like tobacco use, diet and physical activities. Tobacco users take in nicotine which affects the users lungs hence leading to lung cancer problems within the user’s body thus leading to less living time on the green planet.[4]

2] –  Genetics. Cancer to some people is genetically transferred from one person to another especially people within families that have a weak genes towards a certain type of cancer,[7] skin cancer and brain cancer are the most types of cancer that are genetically transported through genes yet they are among the most dangerous types of cancer in the 21st century.

3] – Sun and Uv ( ultra violet rays ) exposure are also other factors that cause cancer to people. Too much sun rays from direct sun light directly to a human being with no cloth or cap covered on the head these rays may lead to brain cancer to any personnel with fewer ideas from the effect of the direct sun rays coming from the sun.[2]

4]   Passive smoking and overweight also causes different types of cancer within the bodies of human beings. A passive smoker takes in nicotine and toxic chemicals from the active smokers of cigarettes,[1] cigar and tobacco which smoke affects the lungs of the passive smoker which leads to high risks of lung cancer to him or her. A person with an overweight is also likely to face a disastrous cancer with in his or her body.[5]

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About Kyeyune Andrew Jonathan


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