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Major Coronavirus Catastrophe On The Horizon In Sub-Saharan Africa

Bill gates on coronavirus issues

Many experts, including Bill Gates, are predicting that developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa will be the worst affected by the coronavirus epidemic. The World Economic Forum has highlighted that the loss of one doctor in Africa affects more than 10,000 people. In countries where poverty, malnutrition and poor general health are rife, healthcare systems are overburdened, and social distancing will ...

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Mother Of Coronavirus Positive Baby Tested Negative Because Of This Shocking Reason

mother tests negative

Sample results for a mother to an 8 year-old breastfeeding baby who tested positive for coronavirus in March 2020, have surprisingly returned negative. Officials from Ministry of Health got confused on how to protect the mother from being infected by her baby. The trouble arises from widespread information from experts about the contagious nature of the disease. Among the most ...

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COVID-19 Test Samples Updated, Checkout!

COVID -19 Cases Rise To 175 Out Of The 2106 Samples

In this error of fighting the deadly COVID-19 epidermic, Uganda is sill on the safe side compared to a few African countries that were affected by the virus. Good news hit our newsroom after the efforts and regulations the Ministry of Health announced. Check also: Ykee Benda Goes After Hitting 200k Views On YouTube For His Corona Song Ever since President ...

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Coronavirus Is A Deadly Disease For Sure, But Other Killer Diseases Have Not Gone Away

neotel for strive masiyiwa also on coronavirus, face masks /mask, lockdown

Zimbabwean billionaire and philanthropist Strive Masiyiwa said on his Facebook page that while we are all focused on coronavirus, these other common diseases could rise with a vengeance and end up claiming even more lives. So many people waiting to be treated for diseases like malaria, diabetes, cancers, and other diseases are not being assisted at this point in time ...

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GOOD NEWS FOR UGANDA: There’s No New COVID-19 Cases The Last 2 Days

70 people. government and president museveni 's covid -19 - coronavirus lockdown addresses

Yesterday, the 10th of April 2020, 439 people in Uganda were tested for Covid-19 and all were negative. This means they do not have the virus. None of them was from quarantine. One group comprised people who had interacted with the infected returnees (i.e. some of the 53 who have been confirmed as positive). In the language of the Ministry ...

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