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Here are the 8 differences between successful people and unsucessful!
Wrong dressing.
Unsuccessful people always dress up wrongly, they arrive at the job interview in running canvas shoes, t-shirts, pair of shots and sometimes others look smart but without a tie and to make it worse, the clothes are not ironed.[2] They come to dinner or corporate night parties in pairs of jeans and t-shirts while all others in suits, this simply means that they don’t belong where they are.[9]
It’s up to you to show how disobedient you are, it can be ok as a teenager or dress to show you belong and get the job done.[6]
Purnishing friends.
Unsuccessful people have tendencies of being friendly and thankful to people who are not helpful to them and disrespectful and unthankful to people who are kind to them. Unsuccessful people always take their real friends for granted at their own risk.Unless you’re a talented athlete or artist. A network of friends and supporters means real success, Successful people always keep and make friends.[1]
Bad characters:
Unsuccessful people are always rude, they don’t appreciate those who do good to them and they don’t apologize for their wrong doing, they always come late.[9] Someone with a better job, very busy with numerous responsibilities will show up on time while someone with almost nothing to do all day will be very late or even failing to show up at all.
Bad attitudes:
Unsuccessful people usually have bitter and depressed outlook,[7] they don’t always like their jobs and their world, they think that people around them are stupid or corrupt, they poison people around them with their hopelessness and anguish.
Unnecessary arguments:
Unsuccessful people enjoy arguing unnecessarily and they make sure they win the argument by all means so that friends and people around will be happy with how smart and clever they are. successful people don’t always want to spend their time arguing unnecessarily, they will keep away from you and you will find yourself surrounded by other disputatious losers.
Not producing:
Unsuccessful people fail to acquire useful skills which he or she will use to be paid good money, they are not aware of the basic truth that people get paid depending on the skills they have and again they don’t know that people get paid much money for doing something which adds value. For example, Law, medicine, songwriting etc or something else that can help others to make money or to get well.[3]
Putting first things first:
Unsuccessful people fail to set priorities, the fact is, there is no enough time to do everything even everything of great importance, however, unsuccessful people never learn that setting priorities is necessary and they also don’t seem to learn that it’s not a sacrifice to give up things of minor importance for those things of greater importance.[7]
Thinking delusional:
Unsuccessful people often lie themselves about their own lives, one day I thought that people who are corrupt cannot be successful,[1] but later I found out that its possible for them to succeed financially and yet they’re not honest with others.
An old friend of mine teaches French part-time, which is not bad, but this kind of job will never pay him enough to live a better life that he desires. Despite he always complains how broke he is,[2] he cannot get to understand why teaching part-time cannot pay someone to live a better standard.
Let me hope you now know some of these hobbits, if you’re a victim of the above, its time for you to change and you will be a winner in life.[1]
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