According to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the messaging app will give users’ phone numbers and IP addresses to the appropriate authorities in response to legitimate court orders.
According to a Monday post by Durov on Telegram, the platform modified its terms of service. This is in an effort to discourage criminals from exploiting it.
Less than a month has passed since his apprehension in France, where he was accused of helping to disseminate documents that promote child sexual assault.
This is a significant departure from Telegram’s history of lenient moderation and how it handles demands for data from the authorities.
The social media giant, which is headquartered in the United Arab Emirates, is famous for being unresponsive to removal orders from governments all around the world.
It frequently ignores requests for information regarding suspected criminals. As part of its efforts to avoid misuse, the app has started hiding harmful content from its search results. This they are doing using artificial intelligence and a team of censors, according to Durov.
In August, Russian-born Durov was arrested by French prosecutors for allegedly committing crimes on the app. The millionaire CEO is portrayed in the case as the leader of an organization that declined to give information to the police.
This is so they might aid with legal wiretaps on alleged offenders. Durov disputed the accusations and has been told to stay in France while the investigation is ongoing.
The crackdown on media companies.
Governments from the European Union to totalitarian regimes in Russia and Iran have taken issue with Telegram under Durov. It has served as a gathering place for radicals and conspiracy theorists.
This as well as a tool for demonstrators looking to organize against the government. For example, American white supremacists have been coordinating attacks on electricity infrastructure using Telegram for years.
In 2018, the Kremlin made an attempt to shut down Telegram, but failed. Two years later, it changed its mind. The Russian regulator stated that Durov had indicated he would assist in combating extremism and terrorism when the restriction was lifted.
Telegram has changed several of its policies as a result of Durov’s detention. It blocked new media uploads earlier this month, according to Durov, to thwart bots and scammers.
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