Wear makeup everyday and no one bats an eye. Give makeup a miss and the whole world loses its mind! Sad but true, but in our society wearing makeup is a double-edged sword. You wear it too often and people think you’re trying too hard and if you don’t wear it at all, people think you don’t bother enough about how you look.
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Well, here are 11 things girls who do not wear makeup are tired of hearing!
1). You don’t look too well today. Are you okay?
Yes! I just forgot to apply my kajal. No biggie!
2). Your face looks so tired, you need sleep!
I don’t know about that, but I want you out of my sight for sure!
3). I’m not sure how you do it, but I can’t live without applying makeup.
WTF does that even mean?! Do you even listen to yourself sometimes? *Sigh*
4). Have you heard about this amazing beauty sale?! You should totally check it out
Wish I could help you out with a common-sense sale!
5). Maybe if you put on a little lipstick, you’d look prettier.
Oh, please – talk to the hand! I think confidence, humour and wit make a girl beautiful – not lipstick!
6). No, for real though. Why don’t you like makeup?
Um, just because I’m not wearing any doesn’t mean I don’t like it! Anyway, my life, my rules!
7). Trust me, it will enhance your natural beauty.
Are you saying that I’m not naturally beautiful?
8). You know what? I can apply some makeup on your face! I can even share some tips with you if you like.
Thanks, but no thanks, missy. I’ll Google it if I reallyyy need some tips!
9). Boys won’t check you out if you don’t apply makeup.
Really?! Tell that to all these guys who keep messaging me!
10). You should watch and learn something from makeup tutorial videos
Nope. I’m pretty happy with watching my GoT series.
11). Do you know that you can contour your boobs?
Do you know that you can stop talking? I like my boobs just fine they way they are!
Source: Popxo
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