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Muslims Will Fight The Land Amendment Bill- Prince Nakibinge

Prince Nakibinge vows to fight the Land Amendment Bill

Prince Kassim Nakibinge Kakungulu, an influential Muslim leader and Buganda kingdom royal, has added his weight to the growing opposition to the Constitution Amendment Bill 2017 on compulsory acquisition of private land for public works. Check also: We Will Attack Museveni With Panga’s Because Of the Land Bill- Ssemujju Says In a speech at his residence in Kibuli, Kampala, during the ...

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Ex UPC Chairperson Edward Rurangaranga Has Passed Away

Edward Rurangaranga, dies

Former Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) national chairperson, Rtd. Maj. Edward Rurangaranga, has died. Check also:  If You Pass Stupid Bills I Will Throw Bees At You Ssegirinya Warns MP’s Maj Edward passed on in the wee hours of Tuesday morning after collapsing at his home in Kitagata Sheema district. The veteran politician was battling Diabetes and Hypertension. He was last year ...

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40 Passengers Survive Burning Jaguar Bus

Jaguar bus burnt

About 40 people who were travelling in a Jaguar bus have survived death when it  caught fire. Check also: Pastor Bugingo to appear to court today over the allegation of burning Bibles The bus belonging to Jaguar Bus Company caught fire at Nyakabande Air strip in Kisoro District on Monday. Watch Video; Kisoro District Police Commander, Mr Charles Patrick Okoto said ...

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Mugabe’s Wife Tells Mugabe To Name His Successor

Grace Mugabe tells president to name his wife

Zimbabwe’s first lady Grace Mugabe has urged 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe to name his choice for a successor. Check also: Zimbabwe Most Highly Developed Country In Africa After South Africa, President Robert Mugabe Grace Mugabe, who is widely thought to harbor presidential ambitions, made her comments Thursday while addressing the ZANU-PF party’s women’s league in Harare. According a report from the ...

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