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Tag Archives: Luweero district

Barbie Kyagulanyi Engages In Charity Work In Luweero District

Barbie Kyagulanyi Engages In Charity Work In Luweero District

The wife to former Kyadondo East legislator Bobi Wine, Barbra Itungo aka Barbie Kyagulanyi yesterday took to carrying out charity work in Luweero district. Barbie was in the company of Hon Brenda Nabukeenya the woman MP of Luweero district, Hon Kirumira Hassan Lukalidde, MP Katikamu South and Hon Sekabira Denis, MP Katikamu North. The group met teen mothers at the ...

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Police Arrests Man For Spreading And Celebrating Fake News On Museveni Death Rumors

Police Arrests Man For Spreading Fake News About Museveni Death

Police in Luwero has arrested a man who has been sharing news about the apparent death of Museveni. The suspect, Peter Ssekyondwa aged 23 was arrested on Friday. ASP Isa Ssemwogerere, the Savannah Region Police Spokesperson confirmed the news. “He sent the messages to the phones of three different people spreading propaganda of how His Excellency the President had died ...

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Boda boda Rider Stabbed To Death At Checkpoint In Luweero

Boda boda Rider Stabbed To Death At Checkpoint In Luweero

A Boda Boda rider in Luwero district has been stabbed to death with a bayonet at a police checkpoint. The police alleged that the man had refused to stop at the checkpoint which lead the police to use other means to stop him. The victim, Kassim Luyinda who rode his motorcycle REG. number UFH 186G met his fate at a ...

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Suspected Arsonists Set House On Fire Killing Five In Luweero

Suspected Arsonists Set House On Fire Killing Five In Luweero

Five family members died in an attack in Luwero district where suspected arsonists lit the house on fire that instantly killed the family. The suspects on Friday attacked the home of the LC2 chairperson of Kabanyi village in Bumananika Sub County, Edward Ssekandi. Three family members died immediately in the fire. The other two, Ssekandi inclusive, escaped with injuries but ...

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President Yoweri Museveni Surprised Villagers Of Luweero District By Fetching Water On A Bicycle

Museveni in Luweero

President of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni was pictured doing the unusual this morning when he was spotted by villagers fetching water on a bicycle in a Kawumu village, Luweero District, of Uganda. Check also: Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni’s Roadside Phone Call Gets Twitter Users Guessing The president did this to create awareness on his ‘Operation Wealth Creation’ agenda of drip irrigation ...

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