Gospel singer Exodus has revealed that he’s embarked on a campaign to create mental health awareness, especially among the youth. The singer himself has been a victim of mental health struggles. A while ago, he revealed that he almost committed suicide due to these struggles. They were induced by the difficulties he was going through and were made worse by ...
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MARRIAGE: What If Your Partner Is Infertile, What Next?
Marriage is a very beautiful thing and there are a lot of expectations when one is getting married. Obviously, partners expect that they are going to have children that are going to add to the joy of the family. No one wants to think that they will reach marriage and not have children, plus no one gets married without the ...
Read More »Uganda Heightens Alert Amidst Monkeypox Outbreak In DRC
Uganda finds itself on high alert as news of a monkeypox outbreak in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) raises alarm. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued a warning, emphasizing the need for vigilance and preparedness to tackle this potential health crisis. According to information from the World Health Organisation, one of the key identifiers of monkeypox, also ...
Read More »Unveiling The Silent Threat: Rising Incidence Of Penile Cancer And Its Impact On Lives
In 2018, João, a pensioner from Brazil, sought medical assistance when he discovered a wart on his penis. Little did he know that this seemingly harmless growth would lead him down a path of uncertainty and despair. Despite numerous doctor visits and prescribed medications, the wart continued to grow, taking a toll on João’s marriage and intimate life. Determined to ...
Read More »Unveiling The Veiled: Revealing Barriers And Myths Hindering Covid Vaccine Rollout In Uganda
In a groundbreaking study conducted by the Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund, the government has been criticized for its failure to effectively educate the public about the numerous benefits of the Covid vaccine prior to its roll-out. Uganda, like the rest of the world, initiated a countrywide vaccination campaign against the Coronavirus in March 2021. The campaign offered five ...
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