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Ugandan Woman Endures Hate Crimes In South Africa And Lives To Tell Her Story

Ugandan Woman Endures Hate Crimes In South Africa And Lives To Tell Her Story

A Ugandan woman, Nabadda Salma, has recently shared her harrowing experience of surviving hate crimes  while in South Africa. Nabadda, who prefers to go by her first name only, had moved to South Africa in search of better job opportunities and a new start in life. However, she soon found herself targeted by xenophobic attacks, which are sadly common in ...

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How I Earned My Very First Rejection By Girl In 2018 – Interesting Story!

How I Earned My Very First Rejection By Girl In 2018

It was the last day of third term exams, and I wasn’t even wanting a relationship. I had run across the street to meet and ask for a phone number from a girl, and politely too. But Brenda, this light skinned dimple-cheeked beauty that every boy at the freedom square wanted, she did that thing y’all ladies do with your ...

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When Idi Amin Expelled Asians From Uganda, This Is What Happened To Me And My Family

the day Idi Amin expelled Asians

The day was 18th, November 1972, ten days after President Idi Amin Dada, Field Marshall’s decree of Asian Expulsion from Uganda had come into effect. I was a 17 year old Indian teenager at the time, running my father’s small shop(Lockup) as well as studying in Soroti town. I was born there and had never known any other places outside ...

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Woman Who Worked As Housemaid In Saudi Arabia Painfully Narrates How Husband Used All Her Savings To Marry Another Woman

Woman Who Worked As Housemaid In Saudi Arabia Painfully Narrates How Husband Used All Her Savings To Marry Another Woman

A frustrated woman identified as Muranga Faith has revealed that her husband used the money she had sent him whilst working in Saudi Arabia as a housemaid to marry another woman. She revealed to NewslexPoint’s L.James about the challenges she went through that forced her to travel to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for work. Faith, who grew up with ...

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Meet Gabriel Lengishili Who Suddenly Became Multimillionaire At 36, Bought Toyota Land Cruiser, Married Five Wives

Gabriel Lengishili became a multimillionaire at 36

Before Gabriel Lengishili Lbakinoi was paid Sh11.2 million (approximately Ugx392 million) – he only had a Postbank account in Nanyuki where his school fees was deposited by a sponsor. His life was upended as he grazed his father’s goats in Naichumunye hills in 1983. Mr Lengishili had spotted something he thought was a watch and picked it up. “The item ...

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