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Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine To Be Tested For Drugs Before Resuming Concerts

NUP Presidential Candidate Robert Kyagulanyi’s Address To The Nation

The National Unity Platform presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu addressed the nation on Sunday night and addressed key issues concerning the state.

The wake of Sunday saw the announcement by the National Unity Platform that their leader would be addressing. Controversially, president Museveni had scheduled his national address for the same time Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi did his. This forced the president to postpone his address to a later date that he is yet to communicate.

During his address, Bobi Wine talked about many issues including why he thought he was stopped from campaigning. He said the president is afraid of people in these rural areas to find out that they are slaves in their own country because of greedy leaders.

‘’I am persuaded though, that Mr. Museveni was blocking us from seeing these people because he knows the kind of mess he has created in these places. So he cannot stand us going there to tell them the truth,’’ Bobi Wine said.

Bobi Wine said he was confident that Museveni stopped him from doing his music shows for fear of the truth being revealed to the people. He said the president knew that through music the sensitization would be massive. However, Robert Kyagulanyi said it is too late for the incumbent. Because the citizens are fully aware of what is going on and they are awake.

Kyagulanyi claimed that Museveni wanted to use the covid-19 pandemic to play his usual game of ‘’rigging the election.’’ However, the pandemic did not stop the people from coming out and therefore resorted to unleashing terror on the citizens, according to Hon. Kyagulanyi.

Why exactly was he arrested in Luuka?

According to reports, over 79% of people in Luuka district survive on paraffin-based lamps. This is despite the fact that they live around the source of electricity. As Kyagulanyi headed there to tell people about this, the police stopped him. So, he said the president feared him telling the people the truth.

He said the president has ever spoken like how he did last night, but unfortunately, President Museveni doesn’t want to be reminded of his words. Among the many things he said, Hon. Kyagulanyi said the way president Museveni will go out entirely depends on the incumbent now.

‘’If he respects the voices of the people of Uganda, we would be happy to respect him, to retire him with dignity. And of course, to have him as a resident former president who can even guide. But, if he decides to go the Gadhafi line, the Bashir line, the Mugabe line, that still entirely depends on him.’’ Kyagulanyi said.

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About Kyeyune Andrew Jonathan


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