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Facts why newly wedded couples don't make love on their wedding night

7 Facts Why Couples Avoid Sex On Their Wedding Day

It’s kind of a surprise but in the physical world its proven that about 50% of newly wedded couples don’t make love due to the following facts. [9]The below facts are not the only reasons as to why couples fail to have sex on their wedding night but there are among the proven facts to read through.[5]

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1. Too exhausted

This was among the facts women gave for not having sex on their wedding night: hardly surprising since it’s usually the bride who does most of the planning and organising for the day.[10]

Wedding days reinvent the term ‘stressed’.

They’re supposed to be a day for the two of you to celebrate love but plenty of brides have one eye on the groom and the other trained on seeing how their mum and dad are,[2] reunited for the first time since their split,[9] and whether it’s obvious Aunt Mary’s already steaming drunk and ready to blast whoever’s in her path.

The pressure of making sure everyone’s having a good time and had enough to drink and eat and trying to look perfect and ‘glowing’ when you’ve had no sleep for weeks (with a house full of wedding guests who can’t afford accommodation) is taxing.[5]

Is it any wonder most brides (me included!),[12] slide down the wall the second they close the hotel room door, crawl out of their dress and make a beeline for the bed to pass out rather than do some horizontal partying.[8]

2. Too drunk

This was the favourite response from the groom – though it came in a close second with many brides as well.[17] Quite apart from the trillion toasts, who eats at their own wedding?

The three course meal you’ve laid on for the guests is rarely touched by the bridge and groom – most end up scoffing room service pizza or burgers back in the room.[5]

With nothing in your stomach to soak up all that alcohol, is it any wonder we all end up so hammered.

3. No incentive

Of course,[10] being drunk and tired wouldn’t dissuade you from ‘doing it’ if your wedding night was the first time you both have sex. For the majority of couples though, the wedding night isn’t the night you lose your virginity.[4]

Most people have already done it, many (many, many) times[7]both with others and each other, before they even thinking about getting married.

You don’t fancy sex if you’re too drunk and knackered on a normal day:[9] why would you fancy it after a huge, long, demanding one if you’re ten years and three kids into the relationship?

4. You’d rather spend time with family and friends

Most of us are world wanderers now with lots living miles from their parents and family and with much-loved friends scattered around the globe. [3]If they’ve all forked out a fortune to come to your wedding and there for a limited time, why would you leave early to ‘retire’.

“Why on earth wouldn’t we be the last to leave a party where all our friends and family are together having a fantastic time?” is a common comment. Which of course leads us back to reason one, two and possibly this.[2]

5. You’ve had a row

The 2014 study ( by UK wedding stationary company Paper Shaker ) found more than half of brides and grooms have slept with at least two of the wedding guests – and 32 per cent hadn’t told their partners who they were.[7]

The same survey found women were twice as likely as men to have second thoughts,[4] the night before the big day – and 20 per cent of men admit to being attracted to other female guests on their wedding day.

All you need is a hint of discovery of any of these things to push you both over the edge.

You’re already keyed up and anxious for things to go well (and that’s without factoring in the standard wedding family squabbles, inebriated mouthy guests,[12] mix ups with the flowers, the cars…)

6. It’s a day for love not sex

A sweeter, happier fact among all facts why lots of couples stay sex-free on their wedding night is love.[8] Bedtime is often the first time you’ve had alone together since you said ‘I do’.

Not only are you both desperate to gossip and dissect the day but also to cuddle up and look into each other’s faces to see if you look any different, being married and all.[10]

7. And there’s always the morning after

One third of the couples surveyed said they had sex the next morning rather than on the night (while one tenth say they didn’t consummate the marriage until 48 hours afterwards).[2]

Makes a whole lot more sense to me,[6] and what better way to beat the post-wedding comedown than to start the day celebrating your brand-spanking-new marriage with some suitably saucy sex![10]

Source: Mail online

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About Eninu William

Meet William, a seasoned news editor with a five-year experience in the fast-paced world of journalism. William's passion for storytelling and commitment to accuracy have propelled him through various roles. As a news editor, his responsibilities extend beyond just overseeing the day-to-day operations of a news team. He plays a crucial role in shaping the editorial direction of his publication, ensuring stories are not only timely and relevant but also adhere to the highest journalistic standards. With a finger on the pulse of current events and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving media landscape, William is always ahead of the curve.

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