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Okitoi The Broke Lover – Interesting Story

” I don’t know what you see in that small girl that you don’t want to take your eyes and attention off her. That girl is still in secondary school and you are in the university. Are you a paedophile?” Osege asked Okitoi.

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Okitoi had met and fallen in love with a teenager who reciprocated the gesture. Having been in and out of love with girls almost his age or two years older or younger, he decided to settle for Joan.

She was so loyal to him that she couldn’t even think of something without telling him. He was aware of her modus operandi, something that gave him great joy and her, a sense of belonging.

She loved him to a fault that most times she stole from her parents to give to him. She stole food items, money, just to see that Okitoi was comfortable and never had to beg or look for food.

Okitoi was the only guy she’s ever dated, and the only one she hoped to stay with till eternity. He wouldn’t let any guy come close to her, he had access to her phones, infact he inserted the passwords, she couldn’t change it so he doesn’t get angry.

Initially she didn’t like his ‘commando esque style’ in the relationship, but as times went on, she knew he was doing it out of love and protecting the only treasure he had.

“Young man, I have warned you severally, don’t come to this house again, my food keeps reducing whenever you show up. Are you not ashamed of yourself? Chasing a girl who’s still in secondary school? Are you mad?

Joan’s father said with his eyes filled with rage. There was this one time he punched Okitoi in the nose that he bled so bad, only for him to come back two days after to still look for Joan.

Okitoi’s dad on the other hand, loved Joan to a fault. He showered her with gifts and affection. She felt loved and wanted, that she spent most of her time there rather than at her parent’s.

Tragedy however struck when Okitoi lost his father, she knew she had lost a confidante and friend. She cried for days that even Okitoi couldn’t pacify her. She took to odd jobs just to make sure Okitoi was okay, never had she truly loved a man like this.

“You are just deceiving yourself if you think he’s going to marry you, he’s almost 8years older than you are and you have done almost everything for him. I pity you, pathetic fool!”
These were the words of her friend Atebo to her. Joan  thought about it for a while and shoved it aside.

Years later, she was lucky to gain admission into  Makerere University, and the first person she ran to was Okitoi. When she told him the goodnews, she couldn’t see any iota of happiness on his face. “What’s wrong baby?” She asked. ” I am just scared this university boys will take you away from me.

You know we have been together for eight years, I don’t want to be left heartbroken.” Okitoi replied, sounding like a child who just lost his favorite toy.

Joan reeled in laughter and walked closer to him. “Baby, not even you can break up with me, you don’t even have that right, I am not just in love with you, you are the very essence of my existence. Okitoi, I love you more than love itself.

Which university boys? The ones that sag their pants and only want to dance ‘zero zero’?” Joan’s words made him laugh and cry at the same time.
He reached for his pocket, knelt down and proposed to her. She didn’t think twice before accepting. Even her dad admired the ring, he had no power against him anymore. Okitoi and Joan will be getting married next year.

Don’t try to define love, if you are not capable of loving, don’t waste anybody’s time.
Patience pays as much as it pains.

Written by Eninu William. Tel: 0783-642052

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About lukwago J

Posted by LUKWAGO. J: He's a writer, editor, blogger, affiliate and a web developer, he loves thinking creatively and finding new ways to implement different programming ideas.

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