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When Slyvia Almost Made A Wrong Choice

“He has refused to go home for two days or to leave her side since she went into coma. In fact i had to bring food to him as he refused to step out. I have never seen a Man feel about a woman this way. He’s been crying and praying for her. I’m just happy he finally got to sleep because His eyes were really heavy and swollen ”
Slyvia’s Mother stared at James as she listened to the nurse.

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She’s never really liked James, and up till now a part of her still didn’t like him. Even the fact that he’s been there for them throughout this trying period didn’t change anything, she didn’t see her Daughter being with someone like him.

She tapped him on the shoulder and asked him to go home and at least freshen up and that he’s stinking, something she said in a derogatory manner.

He immediately stood up from the chair as he’s scared of her. “Toto, I just want to be here when she wakes up, I want my Face to be the first she sees when she comes out of coma. I can’t go back home, there is nothing waiting for me there, your daughter is my life and she’s the only thing that matters to me, mom, please let me stay, don’t chase me away” James begged .

“Look James, I’m not saying you shouldn’t stay, I’m saying you should go home and change your clothes. The way you stink can even cause her not to come out of Coma, Just go home and have your bath and then come back”

James had no choice but to finally leave, he was about to touch Slyvia When the Mother gave him a look that gave him instant headache.

He picked up his motorbike keys, went out of the hospital, jumped his bike  and zoomed off.

Slyvia’s Mother was just about dropping the things she brought for her when she noticed her hands were shaking, she called the nurse who called the Doctor and he confirmed she was out of Coma.

After some checks, The Oxygen was removed from her nose and the first name she mentioned was “James” The Doctor looked at the nurse and she nodded as if to say “it’s the young Man who’s been here for two days “.
After the Doctor and the nurse left, she was just left with her mother.

“Mom where is James, please I want to see James Please” she managed to say “My dear daughter, we thank God for your life. I’m so happy you are out of coma. As for James, I don’t know about him. He’s not been here for as long as I can remember, I even asked someone to go home and call him but I was told he’s too busy to see anyone, so just forget about it “She lied.

Slyvia’s eyes were filled with tears as she couldn’t believe it, even after her mom told her all this, there was still this element of doubt within her.

They stayed in the hospital for another week and still James didn’t show up and that was when she finally believed everything her mom had said and it broke her heart all the more.

Against her mother’s wishes she’d gone ahead to date him but now she’s sure that she actually made the wrong decision.”Why are men so inconsistent and wicked ”

During the time James didn’t show up, a guy her Mother Likes, Tom ,who never showed up when she had the accident or even when she was in Coma suddenly became frequent in the Hospital and he even cleared her Medical Bills.

The Reason she didn’t like James was because he’s not a pure Etesot and she didn’t want her child marrying from another tribe but that of hers or her Late father.

After Slyvia was discharged from the hospital, she refused to call James or even go to his house to confirm why he didn’t show up at the hospital, her pride just wouldn’t let her.

She took things slowly with Tom as a part of her still loved James but she still couldn’t bring herself to call him, although as time went on, she and Tom became extremely close. Tom even went as far as proposing marriage to her, Albeit on a low-key and she readily accepted.

On one of those days when she went for her routine check up, the nurse called her aside “Madam Slyvia, this days you are with a new guy, what of that good one I used to see, the one that was with you here all the time when you were in coma?”

A surprised Slyvia looked at nurse Atiang and smiled. “Nobody was here with me, in fact my mom was the first person I saw when i regained consciousness.

“Wow madam Slyvia, that’s not true , one guy was here all through, I think his name was James, it was even your mom that asked him to go home, according to her, he was stinking and needed to freshen up, but to be fair to her, I haven’t seen him since that day he left’’

Slyvia was confused at the turn of events and when she got home, she insisted that her mother told her the truth about James which she eventually did as she guessed someone might have told Slyvia the truth.

Without hesitation, she took a boda  down to James’s place and kept trying his line, she removed the engagement ring she had on her and put it inside her bag. When she got to Jame’s house, she met the gateman who told her that James was in the hospital which he directed her to.

On getting there, she met James’ mom who immediately hugged her on seeing her much to her surprise.
“Please forgive me my daughter, I’m so happy you are well now, James told us about your accident but the same day we were coming to visit you, we got a call that he’s been rushed to the hospital after he had a ghastly motor accident immediately after coming to see you. We just couldn’t call you as he had told us earlier that you were in Coma, and even when I managed to reach your mom two months ago, she told me that you were still in coma and so we decided not to disturb you…”

At this point Slyvia broke down and cried as narrated everything to Jame’s mother.

“…..it’s not like i love this Tom of a guy, I just wanted to get over James for abandoning me when I needed him the most, I’m so sorry mother, I didn’t know he was in such a bad state and in coma too. Mother, a James in coma is better than a thousand walking Toms,  Slyvia said as she cried bitterly.

Jame’s mom hugged her closely and wiped her tears; “I understand my daughter,I understand perfectly, You acted according to your emotions and feelings, I too would have felt abandoned and with the level of pride in relationships these days, I understand why you didn’t reach out to him.”

As they were still talking, they heard someone cough, they turned and noticed it was James,his mother called the Doctor who came and checked him and congratulated them that he’s out of the coma but might not be able to use his legs for a very long time. They barely paid attention to the Doctor as they were so happy to see James alive again…

“You are here…..” he muttered when he saw Slyvia. “She’s been here ever since she became well herself my dear son, she made sure i wasn’t alone. She’s been by your side all this while, this girl is really an angel,this one is for keeps….” His Mother lied as Slyvia  looked at her with teary eyes.
“I know mom, I know, that’s why even in coma, I kept seeing her beautiful face all the time” James said as he smiled.

Slyvia was crying uncontrollably and only Jame’s mother understood. She hugged her passionately and asked her to calm down “All is well my daughter “. When James was finally discharged from the hospital, Slyvia returned Tom’s ring back.

“There are certain things that just can’t happen Tom, I’m sorry if i sound selfish though but I just can’t. You see Tom, that guy is all I need in this life to make me happy. Out of my mothers ambitious Ness,  I almost lost him, but I’m glad it all turned out well….”

Tom felt extremely bad and even reported to Slyvia’s mother who was even tired of interfering as her daughter was hell-bent on marrying someone she didn’t like. She just had to give her Consent so as for peace to prevail.
During her usual visits to James’ place, he was on the couch watching a movie while she sat close to him.
“Sly, you know I know you never came to visit me at the hospital, right? ”

She almost fell from the chair as he skipped.

“Don’t worry, mom told me everything later, she said she wanted me to make the decision myself . I also know about the proposal and the Tom guy but then I want to believe you acted out of impulse and was so quick to jump into conclusions. All you had to do was swallow your pride and at least call or visit so as to know why i supposedly didn’t visit you at the hospital. Mom didn’t lie to me though, I think she told me what she did at the hospital because I was just recovering and she didn’t want any relapse. I know she likes you though, very much and I do too but there are certain decisions a man has got to take. What if someone was there for me too all those times you thought i abandoned you? ”

At this Point Slyvia was sweating profusely and didn’t know what to say. “Baby I’m sorry, I’m so sorry….” she managed to say.

“I’m sorry too Sly, I can’t be your boyfriend anymore,….” he said and paused.  Slyvia started panting before James continued. ….”I want to be your husband, I’m very tired of being just a boyfriend.
Slyvia almost fainted!!

Fiction story written by Eninu William. Tel: 0783-642052.

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About lukwago J

Posted by LUKWAGO. J: He's a writer, editor, blogger, affiliate and a web developer, he loves thinking creatively and finding new ways to implement different programming ideas.

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