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I Do Not Give Because I Have, I Have Because I Give, Strive Masiyiwa
Zimbabwean billionaire, Strive Masiyiwa

I Do Not Give Because I Have, I Have Because I Give

This is Strive Masiyiwa‘s surprising story he shared on his Facebook page just of recent, he revealed that to give is more blessing than receiving.

When I was a young man, going through really difficult times, I was introduced by my Pastor to a couple that were working as volunteers in a remote part of Mozambique building schools, and clinics. I could not imagine how they could so hazard their lives in an unstable part of the country. I observed as I left that they had a battered old vehicle.

My favorite possession at the time was a beautiful Land-cruiser Jeep, of the type you see only in movies. I had imported at a time when my situation was better. Now it was my pride and joy.

The following day [having spoken to my wife], I washed it spotless, and delivered it to the Pastor, who immediately gave it to the couple for their work in Mozambique.

No one asked me to do it and they were all surprised including the Pastor. I just saw the need and thought it was the right thing to do. I had no expectation to be blessed, as some do when they give. I just did it, and went about my life.

I did not own a car again for more than a year. I used to get a lift from my wife, or I used a little van that we had for work.

“I do not give because I have. I have because I give.” This is a true story!

The amazing sequel to giving away my car to a missionary couple in Mozambique:

In a dream I saw myself in a hospital praying for someone who was very sick. When I woke up, I felt compelled in my heart to visit an employee who was very sick at Milpark Hospital in South Africa.

As I walked to the reception, I was surprised to spot my very distinctive old Jeep parked nearby. The one I had given the white Zimbabwean Missionary couple who worked in Mozambique. It had been more than five years, and I was now a successful entrepreneur.

Again, In the reception of the hospital I spotted the wife, and she rushed to me: “Oh Strive how nice of you to come. My husband is in intensive care, as he had a triple bypass. Come with me.”

At the door to the intensive care, they tried to stop me because I was not a relative, then she quietly said to the nurse the most beautiful thing anyone could ever say: “He is a member of my family.” And they let me in without a further word.

Suddenly I remembered my vision of praying for a sick person in a hospital. So I prayed for him. He was sedated, and never saw me.

I then visited my employee who was in the same hospital, which was the reason for my coming in the first place.

Months later the couple reached out to me, and this is what she said to me: “My husband says he heard you praying, but the doctors say it was not possible because he was actually in an induced coma!”

This is how the cub became a lion! Every lion was once a cub. What kind of cub are you?

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About lukwago J

Posted by LUKWAGO. J: He's a writer, editor, blogger, affiliate and a web developer, he loves thinking creatively and finding new ways to implement different programming ideas.

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