I met him earlier that day tattered, famished and unshaven at a new construction site when I pulled over to supervise the installation of industrial machinery on my new site.
He accosted that morn with a slight knock on the wind screen;
I quickly scanned for a token, wind down and stuck it out through a hollow, but he rejected the virgin notes.
“Sir i beg, I don’t want money now. I need a job! My wife is very heavy with few weeks to give birth. Please help me sir.” he pleaded.
I recognized his accent, but took a precise look at him to earth my doubt and lo, It was Okello, my course coordinator and S.U leader way back in Kyambogo University.
An elite of Industrial engineering department in the early 2000s, he couldn’t recognize me because I’ve evolved from a long neck lanky guy to a muscular beard man.
His look pricked my countenance.
“I gave in to her lure. I know I’m in this mess because of my misdeeds, but this is way too much” he said.
“How can I ever forget that night, After fellowship, she pleaded if she can stay few hours at my place till her room-mate returned, reason being, she misplaced her keys. As the fellowship coordinator I thought it stupid to turn down Esther’s little request;
‘Who will she trust if not me.’ I sighed and that was when it all began.
Evening grew less naive and night crown prime ,
Eight……..nine………9:30 pm, 10 o’clock, she still sat relaxed on the sofa.
Then I felt uneasy, I guess she noticed it too.
“Okello, please can I pass the night here?
Priscilla, my roommate just texted that she won’t come home and it’s already late to break through the door.” Esther explained minutes later and I smiled “Sure.”
I neglected common sense; rather felt I was in control.
Moreover, I thought I knew her well.
“You remember Esther?” Okello stopped and raised his eyebrows.
“That lady who had a cute voice, our vocalist back then.” and I nodded affirmatively.
“I judged her combed, decent and of groomed instinct…” he continued
“But as silence fell and twilight nigh, Her digit fingers tread sacred path of my hairy chest, crawling down towards a forbidden range.
I couldn’t say no nor resist her enchantments, instead I fell completely under her spell.
Me on Esther,
We rode to rhythms of lust,
Then she fed me bane!
A meal for damned men…….
I woke up the next morning empty, the real me was obviously not in me
I felt empty and undone, the spirit of truth and sound mind, I could not feel, He deserted me!
‘What did you do to me?’ I cried as she dressed up and laughed savagely,
“It is of men like you that I was sent!
Threat to our kingdom
The violent in spirit but feeble to flesh and its desires. You think you can take what belongs to me and be?
No way!
Today your end has come for your life shall be void and miserable till death.” Esther swore and laughed more uncontrollably.
“Wha…whaaat are you talking about Esther?” I stammered
“You are Nineteenth but not the last, many will be damned just like you.” She smiled, grabbed her bag and exited the door.
From then till this day my life is as good as your eyes can see.” Okello said to me broken in tears.
I offered him the job but I feel like firing him already. He is a friend so I will keep him just for old times sake.
Me: If any man dislikes the smell of poop, let him stay far from latrines.
From Okello’s tale, at what point do you think he allowed himself to be vulnerable?
#My_take: Trade carefully with those who appear “spiritual” around you in a fellowship. You may not know where they came from.
By Eninu William. Tel: 0783-642052.
Check also;
- Okello Ended Up Marrying Another Girl – Amazing Love Story!
- The Unfortunate Grace – Touching Story!
- Suzan Was Killed By Her Own Husband – Amazing Story!
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